

Yoga For Your Health

Do you think you are too old, too stiff, too heavy, or have too many aches and pains, to feel good in your body again?

Have you been through Breast Cancer treatment or another injury, that now is stopping you from doing what you want? That has left you worried and uncertain of the future?

Do you want to get rid of physical pain, improve your energy, regain your strength, and live a richer life?

Do you want to reconnect with your true self, but are not quite sure how to?

Our Group Classes and Individual Classes may be your first step towards a new and better future!



Our Group Classes are inspired by, and created with a blend of, various Yoga traditions. You will learn different techniques to strengthen, stretch and balance your body and mind.

Our Private, Individual Classes are 100% tailored to your specific situation and needs. This is where we really focus on how you can move forward!

You already have all the tools within you to become the person you wish to be! You may just need a little bit of guidance on your way….

Hatha Yoga

In our Hatha inspired classes we focus on posture and breathing techniques (pranayama). We move in a slow and controlled manner, normally holding each position over several breaths. The classes enhance strength, flexibility and balance, and may even offer aerobic benefits. The breathing techniques have a positive physical effect and can promote relaxation and mindfulness.

MediYoga & Kundalini Yoga

All MediYoga Instructors have a background in professional Health Care, such as Physical Therapy or others. MediYoga is a soft, meditative and therapeutic form of yoga, inspired by Kundalini Yoga. Breathing exercises, repetitive poses and chanting are used in Kundalini Yoga to activate the spiritual Kundalini energy, or "shakti", said to be located at the base of the spine.

Yin & Restorative Yoga

These forms of Yoga are slower, and the poses (asanas) are held for longer periods of time. In Yin Yoga you go to "the edge" and use your breath as a measurement for how far you can go. In Restorative Yoga you use props to fully relax while holding a pose over several minutes. Both Yin and Restorative Yoga are great for alleviating stress and restoring your energy level.

Group Classes

$25 / Class

Our Group Classes are held outdoors at the Labyrinth, in West Martello Tower & Gardens. The classes are beginner friendly and include relaxation and a short meditation. The exercises are slow and gentle, and you will strengthen and stretch your body and relax your mind. All levels and ALL BODIES are welcome! (Group Classes are offered from November until May)

9:45 – 11:00 am

Rental mats are available for $5.

Private Classes

Contact us for prices and scheduling.

These classes are for one person or for a couple. They can be carried out outdoors at the West Martello Tower & Gardens, online, or at another convenient location. 

*GENTLE YOGA FOR BEGINNERS. This class, and each exercise, will be 100% tailored to your personal level and need.

*INNER RADIANCE YOGA. For women who have been through Breast Cancer treatment. Gentle and modified yoga exercises, including guided relaxation and meditation.

*MAGICAL MEDIYOGA. This class is calming, balancing and rejuvenating, and fits ALL levels. Whether you have an injury, or just want to take it slow and gentle, this class may be just what you are looking for! 

Package of 6 Yoga Classes

Commit to a package of 6 Yoga Classes. See and feel the results in your own body: Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

This offer is valid for 6 Group Classes or for 6 Private Classes. 


What should I bring to the Group Classes at the Labyrinth?

Please bring your own mat, if you have one. Feel free to bring water and a towel for padding and support. Rental mats are available for additional $5.

What should I wear & What happens if it's raining?

The yoga classes will go on as usual: rain or shine. If rain, the classes at West Martello will be held inside the Meeting room. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes you can move in. You may want to dress in layers, since it can be hot and humid in the spring and cooler in the winter. 

How can I pay ?

You can pay with Cash, Check or Zelle.   

Do I need to bring anything to my Private Yoga Class?

For your Private Yoga Class all yoga props (mats, yoga blocks, etc.) will be available. However, you may want to bring a bottle of water, and a large towel for your own personal use and comfort.

I have never been to a yoga class before. What should I expect?

You will be guided through various yoga exercises, including relaxation and a short meditation. You will be breathing, moving, strengthening and stretching your body.  Nothing is supposed to hurt. You only do what you can, and what you want to do!  

How is your Cancellation Policy?

For the Private classes, we have a 24 hour cancellation policy, or you will be charged for the full amount. No-shows will be charged for their “missed” appointment. If you arrive late for your appointment, your session may have to be shortened in order to accommodate other appointments following. You will still be responsible for the “full” session.